Fully automated, commercial cassette-based production of high-purity [64Cu]CuCl2 from solid 64Ni target
Obtain high-purity [64Cu]CuCl2 via a cassette-based automated separation method
Copper-64 (64Cu) is an attractive radionuclide for nuclear medical imaging. This radionuclide decays with low energy positron emission (β+ 17.6%, Eavg = 653 keV) and intermediate half-life (t1/2 = 12.7 h).
64Cu is amenable for labelling both short (minutes) and long (hours/days) incubating biological vectors and is exemplified by the many reports of 64Cu labelled small molecule, peptides, proteins and nanoparticles. Clinical studies with 64Cu have also progressed significantly in the past two decades. This work focuses on obtaining high-purity [64Cu]CuCl2 via a cassette-based automated separation method using a one column approach implemented on the Taddeo-PRF chemistry platform.
Alceo Configuration

Hi-tmp melting shuttle

Foil shuttle

Plating shuttle
Powder shuttle


Aim of the study
- This work focuses on obtaining high-purity [64Cu]CuCl2 via a cassette-based automated separation method using a one column approach implemented on the Taddeo-PRF chemistry platform.
- Increase yields and the quality of final product.
- Test two purification resins: TK201 vs. AG1-X8

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