15 - 18 March, 2023
Comecer will attend the 10th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine
Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucharest, Romania
Meet Comecer at the 10th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine and chat with our team about our Radiopharma solutions for your Nuclear Medicine Department
Radiopharma - Nuclear Medicine
Comecer will attend the 10th edition of the Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine. It will be held from 15 to 18 March 2023, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Bucharest, Romania.
On this occasion, Comecer will be present together with our local distributor AC RAD MEDICAL. Plan to visit us at our shared stand and discover our radiopharma solutions such as:
- IRIS, Radiopharmaceutical Multidose Injector, a flexible and ergonomic solution that performs calibrated injections to patients, starting from a multi-dose solution of FDG or other radiopharmaceuticals; it's easy to handle thanks to its innovative design and easy to use thanks to the ergonomic positioning of the components;
- BH Series, the microbiological safety hood, also known as laminar flow workbench; it offers the possibility to prepare radiopharmaceuticals under sterile and safe conditions in one single laminar flow workbench.
- Dose Calibrators for nuclear medicine and radiopharmacy;
- ISP, the disposal system for radioactive organic waste with separate decay unites
If you want to organize your time at this event make an appointment with them at the best time for you.
Comecer Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Shielded Equipment for Synthesis, Dispensing, Injection.
Nuclear Medicine shielded isolators with laminar flow, radiopharma dispensing isolators for vials and syringes, synthesis isolators, injectors and software.
Schedule a meeting at the booth:

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Event information
Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine15 - 18 March, 2023