March 14 - 15, 2022
Comecer will attend ISPE Aseptic Conference
North Bethesda, MD (USA)
Meet Comecer and our experts Ken Rando, and Pietro Bosi at booth #309 at the ISPE Aseptic Conference on March 14 and 15 in North Bethesda, MD (USA)
Pharma - Isolation Technology
Cell&Gene Therapy – ATMP
Comecer will attend the ISPE Aseptic Conference on March 14 and 15 in North Bethesda (USA).
Comecer joins this conference as a supplier of equipment for the aseptic sector in the pharmaceutical industry.
You will find our experts Ken Rando, Head of Business Development for Cell & Gene Therapy, North America, and Pietro Bosi, Pharma Sales Area Manager, at booth #309 where they will answer all your questions.
If you want to organize your time at this event, make an appointment with them at the best time for you.
Comecer containment
The vast range of products in the Comecer portfolio can meet all the Containment requirements, whilst guaranteeing the highest standards of quality and a complete development process, from the preliminary design to the validation of the equipment.

Schedule a meeting at the booth:

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Event information
ISPE Aseptic ConferenceMarch 14 - 15, 2022
Pharma - Isolation Technology
Cell&Gene Therapy - ATMP