15 - 18 October, 2022
Comecer will attend EANM '22
Barcelona International Convention Centre, Barcelona, Spain
Meet Comecer at booth #45 at EANM '22: the 35th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine on October 15-18, in Barcelona, Spain
Radiopharma - Nuclear Medicine
- You'll discover all the new features of Alceo 4.0.
- You’ll see the HELIOS, throughput aseptic isolator for vials and syringes filling, working live.
- You will discover the new features of upgraded IRIS.
- You can browse through our innovative 3D virtual presentation system allows you to see all our equipment, inside and outside, and how it works.
During this event, you will also learn more about IBC Workflow Management and Quality Control Software, a comprehensive client/server workflow management software for a cyclotron facility, central radiopharmacy, academic hospital, and nuclear medicine departments.
You can also use this event as an opportunity to discover how to release the full potential of radiopharma products with Illuminate™ Manufacturing Intelligence: use real-time machine performance data to pinpoint where to focus efforts to reduce downtime, maximize line throughput, improve product quality, and make sustainable productivity improvements.
Last but not least, at our booth #45 you can discover all the features of SmartGuard, Environmental Radiation Monitoring System: a software that allows a PET-cyclotron facility and pharmacy to implement a controlled monitoring environment.
We invite you to meet and chat with our Radiopharma team, they will be glad to answer your questions and share the details of our references.
If you want to organize your time at this event, make an appointment with them at the best time for you.
On this occasion, we hold products demo sessions directly at our booth:
- IBC, Workflow Management
- SMARTGUARD, Environmental Radiation Monitoring System
- ILLUMINATE, Manufacturing Intelligence
- IRIS, Radiopharmaceutical Multidose Injector
Choose the product you are interested in, the day and time that is most convenient for you and schedule your product demo:
Schedule a meeting with our team:

Click on the following link to download and see this event in your calendar
Event information
EANM '2215 - 18 October, 2022