22 March, 2024
Comecer at the NVS Voorjaarssymposium
NBC Congrescentrum, Nieuwegein, Netherlands
Meet Comecer at NVS Voorjaarssymposium on 22 March and explore our Radiopharma solutions
Radiopharma - Nuclear Medicine
Comecer will attend the NVS Voorjaarssymposium on 22 March at the NBC Congrescentrum, Nieuwegein, Netherlands.
Here you can meet our experts that will tell you all about our products:
- Dose calibrators: they are designed to measure the radioactive patient doses to ensure the right dose is prepared for the right patient at the right time, using our NEW software DoseIT or IBC, our Hotlab Management Software. They are used all over the world in Nuclear Medicine Departments and radiopharmaceutical production facilities to measure radiopharmaceuticals for both diagnostic use as for therapeutic use.
- IRIS, Radiopharmaceutical Multidose Injector, a flexible and ergonomic solution that performs calibrated injections to patients, starting from a multi-dose solution of FDG or other radiopharmaceuticals; it's easy to handle thanks to its innovative design and very easy to use thanks to the ergonomic positioning of the components.
- SmartGuard, Environmental Radiation Monitoring System that allows Radiation Level Monitoring of PET-Cyclotron facilities, developed paying special attention to GMP regulations and requirements.
If you are there, plan to stop by our tabletop, and have a chat with our Radiopharma experts.
If you want to organize your time at this event, make an appointment with them at the best time for you.
Do you know everything about SmartGuard? Discover all the highlights and download the pdf here
- Modular and flexible system
- Real-time control
- Export event history
- Virtual maps
- Up to 128 Detection Units
Schedule a meeting with our experts

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Event information
NVS VoorjaarssymposiumNieuwegein, Netherlands
22 March, 2024