
May 26 - 28, 2023

Comecer will attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM)

Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia

Do you operate in the radiopharma industry? If so, don't miss our presence at ANZSNM, in Adelaide, on May 26 - 28. Our team is waiting for you with all the new innovations.

Radiopharma - Nuclear Medicine

Comecer is pleased to participate at the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) at the Adelaide Convention Centre in Australia, from May 26 to 28.

We will exhibit with our partner GMS and present our latest solutions for your Nuclear Medicine department, such as:

In addition, during these days our expert Mario Malinconico, Product Manager & Senior Radiochemist, will present the scientific work about the production of 225Ac.

You could find our team at our booth. They will be glad to address your challenges and answer all your questions.

If you want to organize your time at this event, make an appointment with them at the best time for you.

Explore all the highlights of the Alceo Series

The ALCEO series is a family of configurable machines based on various parameters:

  • the type of isotope
  • the specific radioisotopes to be produced
  • use of “disposable cassette”
  • the type of process chosen for the production of several radioisotopes

Schedule a meeting at the booth:


Click on the following link to download and see this event in your calendar

Event information

Adelaide, Australia
May 26 - 28, 2023
Radiopharma - Nuclear Medicine